Mobile Makerspace
Makerspaces engage children and the community as a whole by fostering learning, creation, and innovation through experiential, exploratory and collaborative learning experiences. Mobile makerspaces bring that experience directly to groups of individuals who may not have access to a school or community makerspace.

First unit will focus on digital fabrication and digital media equipment (3D printers, laser cutter, CNC, vacuum former, etc.) with more units planned (wood shop, metal shop, and more)
Provides the community mobile access to digital fabrication and digital media tools and equipment
Serves low income/underserved schools, youth, and adults and the organizations who support them
Extension of makerspace and/or STEAM curriculum at schools
Demos at museums/events/EXPOs
Enables the community to learn about and use
rapid prototyping tools and equipment
Awareness generator/marketing tool for Maker

where will maker district mobile go?
Maker District Mobile will support kids and the community where they are by visiting:
-Community Centers-
-Expos and Conventions-
-Community Events-
& more!
Maker District Mobile will focus on lower income schools and communities that may not have the funding to support a standalone makerspace.